Targeted Therapy Drugs for Melanoma: Vemurafenib, Dabrafenib, and OthersMelanoma, the most aggressive form of skin cancer, has historically been challenging to treat, particularly in advanced stages.Category: ONCOLOGYCategory: MELANOMACategory: VEMURAFENIBCategory: DABRAFENIB
Braftovi Encorafenib Mektovi Binimetinib: A Combination Therapy for Metastatic BRAF+ MelanomaMetastatic melanoma is a type of skin cancer that has spread to other parts of the body.Category: ONCOLOGYCategory: VEMURAFENIBCategory: MEKTOVICategory: TRAMETINIBCategory: ENCORAFENIBCategory: BINIMETINIBCategory: MELANOMA
An overview of melanoma-specific drugsMelanoma is a type of skin cancer that develops from the cells (melanocytes) that control the pigment of the skin.Category: ONCOLOGYCategory: MELANOMACategory: VEMURAFENIBCategory: DABRAFENIBCategory: TRAMETINIBCategory: COBIMETINIBCategory: ENCORAFENIBCategory: BINIMETINIB