Targeted Therapy Drugs for Melanoma: Vemurafenib, Dabrafenib, and OthersMelanoma, the most aggressive form of skin cancer, has historically been challenging to treat, particularly in advanced stages.Category: ONCOLOGYCategory: MELANOMACategory: VEMURAFENIBCategory: DABRAFENIB
An overview of melanoma-specific drugsMelanoma is a type of skin cancer that develops from the cells (melanocytes) that control the pigment of the skin.Category: ONCOLOGYCategory: MELANOMACategory: VEMURAFENIBCategory: DABRAFENIBCategory: TRAMETINIBCategory: COBIMETINIBCategory: ENCORAFENIBCategory: BINIMETINIB
Dabrafenib Immunotherapy: A Novel Approach for Melanoma TreatmentMelanoma is a type of skin cancer that develops from the cells that control the pigment of the skin. It is caused by problems in these cells, called melanocytes, but the exact cause is unknown.Category: ONCOLOGYCategory: MELANOMACategory: DABRAFENIBCategory: TRAMETINIB
How a Combination of Drugs Can Extend the Lives of Patients with Advanced MelanomaMelanoma is a type of skin cancer that develops from the cells that control the pigment of the skin.Category: ONCOLOGYCategory: MELANOMACategory: DABRAFENIBCategory: TRAMETINIB
How a combination of drugs can prevent melanoma recurrenceMelanoma is a type of skin cancer that develops from the cells that control the pigment of the skin.Category: ONCOLOGYCategory: MELANOMACategory: DABRAFENIBCategory: TRAMETINIB
Trametinib: A Breakthrough Drug for BRAF-Mutated CancersTrametinib (Mekinist) is a drug that belongs to a class of medications called kinase inhibitors.Category: ONCOLOGYCategory: MELANOMACategory: TRAMETINIBCategory: DABRAFENIB