Braftovi (Encorafenib) and Mektovi (Binimetinib): Breakthrough Therapies in the Treatment of BRAF-Mutant CancersIn the rapidly evolving world of cancer therapeutics, targeted treatments have emerged as a beacon of hope for patients.Category: ONCOLOGYCategory: MELANOMACategory: BRAFTOVICategory: MEKTOVICategory: BRAF
Trametinib Dimethyl Sulfoxide: A New Hope for Patients with BRAF-Mutated CancersCancer is a disease that occurs when cells in the body grow and divide uncontrollably.Category: ONCOLOGYCategory: MELANOMACategory: TRAMETINIBCategory: BRAF
How a Combination of Drugs Can Extend the Lives of Patients with Advanced MelanomaMelanoma is a type of skin cancer that develops from the cells that control the pigment of the skin.Category: ONCOLOGYCategory: MELANOMACategory: DABRAFENIBCategory: TRAMETINIB