Mektovi Prescribing Information

Mektovi Prescribing Information


Indication for Use

Mektovi is a therapeutic remedy for adults diagnosed with unresectable or metastatic melanoma harboring either a BRAF V600E or V600K mutation, as confirmed by an FDA-authorised test. Clinical trials have showcased Mektovi's efficacy, demonstrating that patients treated with a Mektovi and binimetinib combination experienced extended progression-free survival compared to those treated exclusive with vemurafenib. Mektovi usage isn't suggested for patients harbouring wild-type BRAF melanoma. The safety profile and efficacy of Mektovi haven't been ascertained in pediatric patients, hence its use within this demographic isn't recommended. As for Mektovi's administration, it should be taken orally with the suggested prescription being 45 mg taken twice daily, approximately 12 hours apart, with or without food.

Dosage and Administration

Mektovi prescription is intended for a specific clinical purpose. Both its prescribed dosage and administration procedures adhere to an explicit protocol. Compliance with said prescription is crucial to optimize safety and treatment efficiency. The prescribed dose may fluctuate based on the patient's weight and overall health status. The standard approach to Mektovi's administration is oral, supplemented by precise instructions. Strict adherence to the recommended dosage and administration guidelines presented by healthcare professionals can heighten the success rate of treatment outcomes and reduce potential adverse reactions.


Mektovi administration is contraindicated in patients exhibiting known hypersensitivity to binimetinib or its constituents**. It isn't suitable for patients with severe allergic reactions to orally-administered drugs** of an identical chemical class or those with structurally similar compounds. Furthermore, Mektovi is contraindicated in patients with severe liver dysfunction. A comprehensive assessment of potential contraindications is essential prior to initiating Mektovi treatment to promote patient safety.

Warnings and Precautions

Mektovi is not suitable for patients with a history of severe allergies. Regular monitoring for signs of bleeding is recommended for those under Mektovi treatment due to increased bleeding risk. Potential serious eye problems may arise from Mektovi use, warranting routine eye checks. The drug might trigger new or exacerbate existing skin cancer conditions hence necessitating regular skin evaluations. Pre-existing heart conditions may be affected by decreased heart function, a potential side effect of Mektovi. Patients are advised to exercise caution while driving or handling machinery due to risks of dizziness or blurred vision. Communication with healthcare providers about all concurrent medication is critical because of possible interactions with Mektovi. Pregnant women are strongly advised against Mektovi use due to potential fetal harm, and women in their reproductive years should use effective contraception during treatment. Breastfeeding isn't advisable during Mektovi usage. Regular monitoring of laboratory tests, including liver function and blood glucose levels, is required due to alterations caused by Mektovi treatment.

Safety Information

Adverse Reactions

Mektovi intake often yields common adverse reactions like pyrexia, diarrhea, rash, edema, and nausea. Less prevalent, yet potentially grave issues can include bleeding events, cardiomyopathy, and retinal detachment. Hemolytic anemia and secondary skin malignancies may also develop from Mektovi treatment. Unique reactions reported include photosensitivity, reactions related to infusion, and liver enzymes increment. Continuous monitoring of patients for such reactions and timely dosage adaptations are vital.

mektovi prescribing information

Drug Interactions

Possibility of Mektovi's interaction with other medications may influence its effectiveness or result in adverse effects. These interactions have to be identified and managed for patient safety. Strong CYP3A4 inhibitors, for instance, should not be taken along with Mektovi as they can elevate the plasma concentration of Mektovi. If necessary, dosage readjustments may be made during coadministration. Even moderate CYP3A4 inhibitors may potentially interact with Mektovi, hence, prescribing these medications together mandates caution. Likewise, because Mektovi may prolong the QT interval, it should be used carefully with drugs known for prolonging the QT interval or causing torsades de pointes. Healthcare professionals must attentively monitor patients for any indications of drug interactions when prescribing Mektovi.

Use in Specific Populations

Certain populations, such as pregnant women, pediatric patients, and patients with hepatic or renal impairment, require careful consideration when Mektovi is prescribed. Dosage and administration guidelines may vary for these groups. Furthermore, the safety information details on reported adverse reactions and possible drug interactions should be considered. Knowing clearly which populations Mektovi can be used correctly is a crucial step towards securing optimal patient outcomes.

Clinical Pharmacology

Mechanism of Action

Through targeted therapy, Mektovi inhibits the function of a variant of the BRAF protein, commonly found in advanced stages of melanoma. This inhibition allows Mektovi to curb the growth and spread of cancerous cells. Clinical evidence points towards substantial antitumor activity by Mektovi and extended progression-free survival for patients suffering from advanced melanoma with BRAF V600E or V600K mutation. Body surface area forms the basis for the recommended dosage of Mektovi, which is to be administered orally twice daily in combination with binimetinib. Monitoring of blood pressure and heart rate are important considering Mektovi's potential to cause hypertension. Patients must also be aware of possible side effects like skin rashes, sensitivity to light, and elevated creatine kinase levels. Mektovi thus enhances life expectancy and improves lifestyle for patients diagnosed with advanced melanoma and specific BRAF mutations.


The pharmacokinetics, or the behavior of Mektovi within the body, forms an important part of the drug's prescribing information. This encompasses the drug's absorption timeline**, its distribution within the body, the metabolic processes it undergoes**, and finally its elimination. Factors that might impact these properties, such as the patient's age, sex, or other medical conditions, might also be taken into account. This understanding of Mektovi's pharmacokinetics assists healthcare professionals in determining the most suitable dosage schedule and drug quantity for each individual patient.


The pharmacokinetics of Mektovi were evaluated in patients with advanced melanoma. Following oral administration, the maximum plasma concentration (Cmax) of Mektovi is reached within 2 to 4 hours. The steady-state plasma concentration is achieved after about 7 days of continuous dosing. Mektovi is extensively metabolized by enzymes in the liver, primarily CYP1A1, and to a lesser extent, CYP2C8. The major circulating metabolite, cobimetinib aldehyde, exhibits negligible activity compared to Mektovi. The mean half-life of Mektovi and its metabolite is approximately 51 hours. The primary route of elimination is fecal, with less than 4% of the administered dose excreted unchanged in the urine. There is no need for dose adjustment in patients with mild or moderate hepatic impairment, but the use of Mektovi is contraindicated in patients with severe hepatic impairment. In conclusion, the pharmacokinetic profile of Mektovi supports its once-daily oral dosing.


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  2. Schadendorf, D., Dummer, R., Robert, C., & Ribas..., A. (2022). STARBOARD: encorafenib + binimetinib + pembrolizumab for first-line metastatic/unresectable BRAF V600-mutant melanoma. Future ...(

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  7. Garutti, M., Bergnach, M., Polesel, J., & Palmero..., L. (2022). BRAF and MEK inhibitors and their toxicities: a meta-analysis. Cancers. (