How Difficult is it to Drive an SUV?

Taking the wheel of an SUV (Sport Utility Vehicle) can be an exciting and unique experience. The engines in these vehicles are larger and more powerful than those in regular vehicles. Plus, their ground clearance is greater than that of regular cars, so they can handle terrain that other cars cannot. However, driving an SUV raises its own challenges and requires specific skills to ensure a safe journey.

In this guide, we will discuss the basics of driving an SUV. We’ll look at different factors such as visibility, acceleration, braking, and vehicle handling before giving our final verdict on the overall difficulty level of driving an SUV.

Advantages of Driving an SUV

SUVs currently represent a popular choice of vehicle for many drivers, and driving an SUV has a number of distinct advantages over other types of cars. These include more interior space, an elevated driving position that ensures better visibility, and improved towing capability.

SUVs are suitable for activities such as taking camping trips and transporting bulky items such as kayaks or bicycles that would otherwise struggle to fit into smaller vehicles.

Their elevated height makes them less likely to get stuck in wet ground or mud, making them ideal for off-roading activities in all kinds of terrain. Improved grip and enhanced road traction provide additional control when taking corners at higher speeds or navigating particularly slippery roads.

Disadvantages of Driving an SUV

SUVs may look attractive on the outside, but they can be quite difficult to handle. They are heavier than other vehicles and require more skill from drivers to ensure their safe operation. Here are some of the most typical drawbacks of driving an SUV:

Size: SUVs are bigger, heavier, and longer than most other vehicles on the road, making them more challenging to maneuver in tight spaces. They also take up more space in parking lots and garages.

Handling Issues: While SUVs have better ground clearance than regular passenger cars, they can often struggle with sharp turns or getting out of rugged terrain due to their large size and extra weight. In addition, while all-wheel drive can provide outstanding traction in snow or mud, it should be noted that four-wheel drive systems demand more frequent maintenance, meaning more significant expense over time.

To stay safe on highways, use caution when changing lanes or turning, which could require longer moments of anticipation to adjust speed and direction effectively.

Fuel Economy

Fuel economy is one of the disadvantages of driving a sport-utility vehicle (SUV). Fuel economy is defined as how far a vehicle can travel on one gallon of gasoline and is expressed in miles per gallon (mpg). According to data, the average mpg for SUVs is around 20-25 mpg, while smaller sedans get an average of 30-40 mpg.

This may not seem like a significant difference, but in the long run, it adds up. Therefore, when considering an SUV, it’s vital to analyze your driving habits. By doing so, you can save money.


How do you drive an SUV for the first time?

Driving an SUV for the first time can be a little rough, but it's actually not much different from operating a traditional car. Here are some steps to follow.

  • Become familiar with the vehicle. If you have never driven an SUV before, take some time to get familiar with the layout of the vehicle before you start the engine. Identify the pedals (accelerator, brake, and clutch), the gearshift, the steering wheel, and the headlight, wiper, and turn signal controls.

  • Check the mirrors and seat. Ensure that you have a clear view of the road. You should adjust the seat so that your feet can easily reach the pedals and adjust the mirrors to see clearly behind and to the sides.

  • Accelerate and brake smoothly. Take it slow and easy at first until you get a feel for how the SUV responds to your inputs.

  • Practice parking. Parallel parking can be challenging in a larger vehicle like an SUV, so practicing this maneuver in a safe and empty area is a good idea.

  • Once you feel confident and comfortable, you can start exploring your SUV's capabilities. Take it on different roads and terrain, and enjoy the extra power and stability that an SUV provides.

Overall, the key to driving an SUV successfully is to be cautious and alert and get familiar with it gradually.

To sum up

In conclusion, driving an SUV can be a challenging experience depending on your knowledge level and the size of the vehicle. There are some benefits to driving an SUV, such as improved passenger and cargo space, additional seating opportunities, and enhanced performance. However, some drawbacks may be associated with larger vehicles, such as complicated parking arrangements, fuel costs, maneuverability issues when used in urban areas, and increased insurance costs. It is recommended that first-time SUV owners complete a driver's education course or practice in a similar vehicle before taking to the roads in their own personal SUVs.